I'm a planner by heart, don't get me wrong, I can totally "wing it" and still make things work. I'm decent at "rolling with it" too. Though through lots of trial and error, I have found that when I plan what I know I can control, then it is less stressful and I am more likely to meet what ever the goal is. All that to say, when I started living the FWTFL lifestyle, I had to think about what weekly and then daily steps do I need to work on to make sure this truly is a lifestyle change. Enter the Weekly Game Plan - these are my top 3 things I will focus on for that week, they may change week to week or they could stay the same and they don't all have to be FWTFL focused.
For example here is my Weekly game plan for January 4th - 10th. With the start of the VIP Challenge I am in and the start of my first New Client Round, I was focusing on "the basics". To make sure I hit each goal, I would plan ahead: making sure I had my water jug with me for work, getting up early to get my workout in, and pre-logging meals for the next day to plan for success in hitting my macros. I even pre-planning for eating out on Wednesday because that's our basketball game night and this momma isn't cooking dinner at 8:30pm lol.
Here is my game plan for this upcoming week. I'm still focusing on water, because that can be tough for me and hitting my macro goals: food is fuel and I want to ensure I'm fueling my body to meet my goals. I made my last goal more personal. I have a morning routine where I say my morning prayers & look at my verse of the day before my feet hit the floor, but I have been struggling with making the extra time to spend on my regular devotionals - so I've made that a priority this week. If I have goals, it will bug me at my core if I don't honestly do everything I can to make them happen, this is an important practice for me, so I've made it a priority on my weekly plan.
This I one way I make taking care of my health a priority so I can in turn be better focused on other areas of my life. I have had a tendency of putting taking care of myself last, but you can't help others if your own fuel tank is running on fumes....so I no longer feel guilty for making the time to take care of me. And hopefully I'm setting a good example for the little eyes watching at home too.
If you like the Weekly Game plan idea, here is a blank template and I'll post it in my stories later. When you have your game plan done, don't forget to tag me so I can cheer you on as well.
Have a great week!